How to Transform a Cortijo to Boutique Hotel

In the beautiful region of Almeria in southern Spain, cortijos are an important part of the local history and architecture. These former agricultural estates, with their stunning views and rustic charm, offer endless possibilities for those who wish to transform them into something more than just a country house.

In this article, we will explore the key steps in transforming a cortijo into a boutique hotel, from acquiring the property to decorating the communal spaces.


Definition of Boutique Hotel

A boutique hotel is a small or medium-sized establishment that stands out for offering a unique and personalised experience to its guests. These establishments are usually located in exclusive locations, with a design and decoration that has been taken care of down to the last detail.

Characteristics of a boutique hotel

  • Small size: Boutique hotels tend to have a limited number of rooms, allowing guests to enjoy a more personalised and exclusive treatment.
  • Design and decoration: Aesthetics is one of the strong points of boutique hotels. Every detail, from the furniture to the lighting, is designed to create a unique and welcoming atmosphere.
  • Personalised service: In a boutique hotel, guests receive close and attentive service from the staff, who strive to meet their every need and make their stay unforgettable. Even if it’s to strip luxury to the most basic.
  • Unique experience: Boutique hotels often offer exclusive services, such as private dining, cooking lessons or personalised treatments and special activities, which allow guests to live a unique and memorable experience.

Regulations and licensing of boutique hotels

Like other types of holiday accommodation, boutique hotels in Spain are subject to a series of regulations and licences that must be complied with. These regulations vary depending on the autonomous community and the municipality where the hotel is located, but in general, they refer to aspects such as:

  • Facility conditions: Room size, ventilation, water quality, fire safety, etc.
  • Licences: Opening licence, activity licence, building licence, etc.
  • Hospitality regulations: Compliance with the requirements set by the authorities, depending by definition on the size of the establishment and its location. Including the very popular Glamping.
  • It is most important to obtain all the necessary licenses before opening your boutique hotel and to know about them before developing any reforms.

Additional requirements for offering restaurant services

If your boutique hotel plans to offer food services, such as breakfast or meals, you will need to obtain the relevant licences and permits from the local health authority. These licences ensure that food is handled and prepared in a safe and hygienic manner, meeting the standards set to protect the health of guests.

Key steps to transform a cortijo into a boutique hotel or vacacional apartments

I. Research & Planning

Before embarking on the exciting adventure of transforming a farmhouse into a boutique hotel, it is essential to carry out thorough research and planning. At this stage, it is important to assess the feasibility of the project, taking into account factors such as location, competition in the area, demand for tourist accommodation and available budget. In addition, it is crucial to define the vision and identity of the boutique hotel, to ensure that every decision you make is aligned with the experience you want to offer your guests.

II. Renovation & Restoration

Once you have acquired the cortijo and are clear about your objectives, it is time to get down to work and begin the renovation and restoration of the property. This may involve refurbishing old structures, modernising electrical and plumbing installations, creating welcoming communal spaces and incorporating modern conveniences. It is essential to have a team of qualified professionals, such as architects, interior designers and contractors, to help you carry out the work efficiently and to the highest quality.

III. Decoration & Ambientación

The décor and ambience of a boutique hotel are key aspects that will make all the difference to your guests’ experience. In the case of a farmhouse converted into a boutique hotel, it is important to maintain the essence and rustic charm of the property, while adding touches of elegance and sophistication. The choice of furniture, textiles, colours and decorative elements will play a crucial role in creating a cosy and unique atmosphere. In addition, attention to detail, such as lighting, background music and the selection of local artwork, is essential to create a memorable and authentic experience.

IV. Marketing & Promotion

Once your farmhouse-turned-boutique hotel is ready to receive the first guests, it is essential to put in place an effective marketing and promotion strategy. In this sense, it is important to create a strong brand identity, design an attractive and functional website, use social media to reach your target audience and establish partnerships with travel agencies and tour operators. Also, don’t forget the importance of customer service and positive reviews, which will be key to attracting more guests and building long-term loyalty.

PLEASE make sure to be aware of::

It is crucial to have the relevant licences and permits issued by the tourism authority of the Junta before advertising your holiday accommodation on any platform.

Remember that operating without the proper licences can lead to legal sanctions and closure of the establishment.

transformar-un cortijo-en-hotel

At Casa Contenta we have two farmhouses ideal to be run as boutique hotels.

La Joya de Cabo de Gata and El cortijo El Saltador are two exceptional examples of how tradition and modernity and future can converge to create sustainable and environmentally friendly holiday accommodation. These houses, originally ruins, were carefully restored by their owners using modern techniques, thus preserving their historical essence while providing them with the necessary amenities for a comfortable stay.

First: La joya de Cabo de Gata

A spectacular cortijo for sale located in the beautiful Cabo de Gata-Níjar Natural Park, in the southeast region of Andalusia, Spain. This treasure is situated on the outskirts of the charming village of Agua Amarga, just 2.5 km from the beaches of the Mediterranean Sea. With its privileged location and natural beauty, La Joya de Cabo de Gata offers a unique opportunity to create an exclusive boutique hotel combining luxury and tranquillity in a unique setting.

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Second: Cortijo El Saltador

A majestic cortijo that extends over 35 hectares in the gentle hills of the Sierra Alhamilla, between the fascinating Tabernas desert and the spectacular Cabo de Gata-Níjar maritime and terrestrial natural park, in the vicinity of Lucainena de las Torres, Almería, Andalusia, Spain. This cortijo, which has been converted into a charming rural house with over 10 rooms, has been meticulously designed and equipped with a sustainable approach. Its versatility makes it not only a rural tourist destination, but also an ideal space to host guests for retreat, hold seminars, events or carry out tourist activities that allow guests to enjoy the tranquillity and beauty of nature in a unique and exclusive environment.


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These two Cortijos for Sale with Casa Contenta offer the perfect opportunity to invest in the tourism sector and create unique experiences for travellers looking for exclusive and charming accommodation in Andalusia, a region full of history, culture and natural beauty.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What are the main aspects to take into account when buying a cortijo in Almeria?

When purchasing a cortijo in Almeria, it is essential to consider the location, the state of conservation of the property, local regulations and the possibility of transforming it into a boutique hotel. In addition, it is important to have professional advice such as that of Casa Contenta, both legal and technical, to ensure a successful investment.

2. Transforming a farmhouse into a boutique hotel in Almeria has many advantages, such as the possibility of offering a unique and authentic tourist experience, diversifying income and contributing to the sustainable development of the region. Moreover, this type of establishment tends to attract a demanding guest profile willing to pay for an exclusive and personalised stay.

3. What is the profile of guests looking to stay in a boutique hotel in Almeria?

Guests looking to stay at a boutique hotel in Almeria tend to be sophisticated travellers, who value exclusivity, attention to detail and authenticity. They are looking for unique and memorable experiences, in well-kept surroundings and with a personalised service. That can be as much as pure life style healthy food and tranquility or a pool and a luxury suites…
Therefore, it is essential to design an attractive and differentiated proposal that meets the expectations of this demanding guest profile.


Transforming a cortijo into a boutique hotel in Almeria is a unique opportunity to breathe new life into a historic property and create an unforgettable tourism experience. From the initial research and planning, to the decoration and decoration of the space, each step in this exciting process requires dedication, creativity and commitment.
With a clear vision, a team of skilled professionals and an effective marketing strategy, you can transform your cortijo into an exclusive destination desired by travellers from all over the world.

Don’t hesitate to embark on this exciting adventure and make your dream of owning a boutique hotel in Almeria come true!

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